Teacher to Parent Information

3rd August 2013

A Great First Week!
Room 2 Tuis is now full! We have all 18 children. The last 5 children who started this week have had a great week. They have settled-in and the other Tuis have been fabulous friends and enjoy helping them out and telling them all about school life.

PE - Gymnastics
This term Room 2 Tuis will be doing gymnastics in our school hall with Room 3. This is first thing on Thursday mornings. The children need to take off shoes and socks. Please bear this in mind on Thursdays when organising what your child wears to school - especially girls wearing tights / skirts. 

Library Bags / Homepacks / Poem Folders / Publishing Books
Please encourage your child to remember their homepack everyday and their library bag on Fridays. Some of the children have not been able to get out library books or take home readers. Yesterday there were a number of children who did not return library books, therefore couldn't issue a new one. Also, please make sure your child brings back their poem folder and publishing books after the weekend.

25th June 2013

Library Bags and Homepacks
Please encourage your child to remember their homepack everyday and their library bag on Fridays. Some of the children have not been able to get out library books or take home readers.

Blog Comments
Sorry - I have been a little slack with sharing the comments posted in the blog with the children. I will do this in the next few days. Thanks to those who have left comments - the children love it!

Visitors - Friday 27th June
The Room 2 Tuis will get to meet the 5 children who are starting with us on day one of term 3. Then our class will be complete!

Written Reports and Student Led Conferences
Just a reminder - Room 2 will not be taking part in the student led conferences and will not be receiving a written report this week

 7th June 2013

Well Done Room 2 Tuis Parents!

100% Activity Fee paid for term two - excellent result considering we have only just opened our class.....some children have only been enrolled for 4+ days! 
Thank you so much!

5th June 2013

Activity Fees
Please ensure you have paid your Activity Fee for Term Two by Friday morning as this is the day of the Strike Percussion Performance. Any children who have outstanding Activity Fees will not be able to attend.

Our Blog
It would be great to have some parent responses to our blog page posts. On Friday mornings our oral language time is dedicated to reading blog comments and creating responses as a class. Any comments would be greatly appreciated! Share the link with family in NZ and abroad, it would be great to see comments from grandparents, aunties, uncles etc and from other countries....all great learning experiences for the lovely Room 2 Tuis!


 2nd June 2013

Room 2 Parent Conferences / Entry Interviews

When your child has been at school for between 4 and 6 weeks, I will contact you to arrange a time to meet. This is an informal chat about how your child has settled into school and to answer any questions you may have.

The rest of the school will receive a written report followed by student led conferences at the end of this term.
Room 2 will not have these reports or interviews.
In late term 3, Room 2 will have student led conferences and then your child will receive a written report in term four.

 Please let me know if you have any questions.


28th May 2013
Please encourage your child to remember their homepack everyday and their library bag on Fridays. Some of the children have not been able to get out library books or take home readers.


  1. Wow what a clever way of heating the school, I wish we could heat our whole house like this . We might need Mr. Bill to work it though, it looks more complicated than just turning the "on" switch!

  2. Thank you for your comment, our classroom is very warm now we have the heater going.
    From Room 2 Tuis
