Room 2 Information

Here is some information about life in Room 2……

Star of the Day

On Monday through to Thursday a child is chosen to be “Star of the Day” The perks of this is….a special chair to sit on, leading the class when lining up and moving around the school, messages to the office / other teachers and to look after and bring home for the evening, Room 2’s special dog – Rua. It would be great if Rua could be returned each day so he can be passed onto another child.


Your child will need to bring their home-pack to school every day. These are essential to help protect reading books, workbooks and notices / letters to parents. I encourage the children to place it in their chair-bag when they arrive and school and collect at the end of the day.

 Work at Home

Your child will bring home a reader 4 times per week. These should be quite easy for your child to read. The home reading diary is for you to complete at home to celebrate their reading successes. I will also send home sight words to practice reading and writing. In your child’s home-pack there will also be a number-line to 20 for your child to practice reading numbers, counting forwards and backwards and identifying numbers before / after and in-between. As your child’s number knowledge progresses, it will be replaced with a hundreds square.
Oral Language / News Sharing

Room 2 has whole class news sharing on Monday morning. This is a time where children can talk about their weekends. On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 2 children will have news. I will send home a newscard in your child’s home-pack. They are able to bring something special from home to share. Eg: a book, photo, treasure, special toy etc. These items will be kept on my desk for the school day to avoid damage. You may wish to email me photos or videos –
Library and Computer Pod

Room 2 visit the library on Friday. Please ensure your child has their library bag and the book they borrowed the previous week. We also visit the school computer pod on Friday. This is a chance for children to develop their computer skills and become familiar with logging on and off and the school network / desktop layout.

Room 2 Timetable

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